Exam Time - So Sad
Well, it's studytime for most of our students. A tough time of year, but hopefully you will all do well. Make sure to study and work hard cause you have a great gift in being able to go to school and be educated. Some have to fight hard for that gift. And you'll be back to goofing off and enjoying life in no time. Hey, Spring Break is only 2 months away!
Because of exam period we'll be having some more relaxed outings for the next while, and a break week during exams.
Here's the details:
Tuesday, January 23 - Bowl Game or a movie (depending on how many show up)
Friday, January 26 - LPC Skate Night | Pearkes Arena starting at 5:45 PM
Tuesday, January 30 - We'll take a break this week
Tuesday, February 6 - Back at 'er with the 'Amazing Race'
Make sure you come on out to all these great events.